ID the Owner

My photo
Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia
ada banyak silly experience. the conclusion is tak swag okey kalau takde silly experience. :)

Sunday 7 October 2012

From heart to heart ! -_-"

Ya Allah..

Tolonglah diriku Aku sungguh menginginkan diaUntuk mencintaikuDan mendampingikuDi dalam hidupku iniYa RabbBukalah hatinyaUntuk melupakan kesalahankuYang telah menjadi duriDi dalam hatinyaDan melukai hatinyaTolonglahDekat akuYang melukaimuAku inginEngkau tahuAku selalu cinta padamuAku telah menyesalinyaSemua

Saturday 6 October 2012

If you know this....

I didn't stop loving you but I've decided to stop showing it because no matter I've tried, you wouldn't get it. You know what, if our journey of life was a storybook, we'd meet on the very first page. 

Why are you being like this? You said that "I'm sorry for let you know my feeling towards you. I don't have any right to have you as mine." 

If you do really love me, you wouldn't say that but you tried so hard to get. It's not the time for me to showed that. It's okay! It's all up to you. For me, that those feeling was from Allah and i really appreciate when you told me that because i do really love you too. But i can't do that bro! Huh. Now.... You just do what you want. And i just consider you as my friend. 

Let the time determined that things, okay? Allah knows everything. 

#not you have any right to pick me as yours but me! I'm not good enough for you, youwh! And as what i said before "I really phobia with the one who had a hot tempered" It true youwh. If you know why i'm being like this, you may really shocked. So, don't judge me if you don't know anything about me. If you know that, you may shocked about this and that. That's all what i'm trying to say. No matter you get it or not.... only one. I hope you understand this.... TQ 

Friday 5 October 2012

Experience Palingg Menggelikann!

Assalamualaikum!! Hi and Hello there!

Huhuhu. Ni aku nak shared experience yang memang aku konfem gilaaa bongok punya! Serius gilaaa!! Dan aku benciii ! Nak tau sebab apaa?? Huh. Let's go! 

Actually, tadi aku pergi kedai sebab nak beli gam gajah untuk adik aku kan. Alang-II nak pergi beli barang adik aku, sambil menyelam minum air. Aku beli barang aku sekali. Aku ambik ubat stepler and cari laaa memo pad yg boleh lekat-II tu. Aku tak tau nak panggil ape kan... Sah siott gilaa! Aku cari dekat bahagian barang tulis.. Aku usha punya usha.. Aku nampak satu kotak warna hitam. Depan tu ada gambar tangan perempuan buat bentuk pistol tembak orang and tertulis kat kotak tu perkataan "SHOOT" . So aku ambik laa bajet tu memo pad yang aku cari. Tapi aku rase pelik gilaaa kot. Serius pelik. Asal die letak dalam kotak kann. Aku pun bongok pergi goncang kotak tu.. PELIKK!! Takkan dalam kotak kann. Dah tu aku pun bace laa apa yg tertulis kat depan kotak tu kann.. DENGAN PENUH RASA KHUSYUK LG TELITI ! 

Perisa : Orange, Apple and etc. Aku malas nak ceritaaa. So aku pun baca sampai bawahh.. Korang tahu ayat bawah sekali tuu apaaaaaa???!!!! Errrrr... GILALAAAA.. Dia tuliss....         

C****M -_-"

CAN I KILLED MYSELF NOWW??? aku malu gilaa dohh! Patut laa orang usha pelikk siottt ! Gilaaa siall. Owner kedai pun bongok. Benda tak senonoh tu jugakk dia pergi letak kat barang alat tulisss. Hishhh!!! Seriusss aku terjerit bila bace perkataan tuuu... BONGOKK!!! Tak mauu ingat dahhhhhhh................. OMG ! 

#memang menyeramkann.... Careless! -_-" Astaghfirullah... MasyaAllah... Pengajaran nih. Nasib aku tak ambik pergi bayar terus. Mau orang tengok sampai terpusing kepala 360 darjahh ! huhhh...